What water treatment can do for you

Water is our life source, no one can live without drinking each day because we all know that 80% of our body is water, so drink water purify our body. Water is also a kind of therapy that many of us don’t know, we call it Hydrotherapy. Water has his CV too, let’s discover it together!

Water and his power

At a few times we enter in winter’s season. This season is called also water element. May be the future generation don’t care about this, but let’s move to China and discover how they care about water. Traditional medicine in China use water and anything that corresponding with nature. The portfolio’s water is so clever. There are two organs that treat water inside our body, the kidney and our bladder. That’s why, when we are in winter’s day, the particularity of our problem come from those two organs. But water proceeds also on adrenal glands, genital tract, and all our bones, spinal cord, brain and our hair. In fact, water act on those part of body. So when we are in winter’s season, we need to take a break, but we can’t stop working. So we take this power of water by getting some session on spa or hot bath. There are many spa spaces in every corner of our place, became it is a domestic practices also. So we can adopt spa tub at home and make our life so different.

Water and his treatment

First of all, we had to drink eight glasses of water each day, and as we suggest, you better to drink warm water, warm but not hot too. In the morning, better we drink some tea, natural tea that we find in every shop also. When we talk about water therapy, there are different manners to take it. On a spa tub, or Jacuzzi, by taking some sauna session, and all those extreme material can do it. We can have 25 minutes of session inside those materials once a week, that’s why we‘re going to adopt one at home now. But also we might do some of these suggestions every day: sit baths, whirlpool baths, foot baths, hand baths, hot water on bottles that we had to sleep with it or an ice packs. You had to alternate those kind of baths each day.

Every holiday, you can meet the ocean as a little break, do it even once at the year. But you can also try, hydrotherapy colon to get away all toxins at your body.

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